John Ashbaugh | Updates |

Councilman Ashbaugh Defends Vote for Street Camping Law

A message from Councilman Ashbaugh:

Last Tuesday, the SLO City Council voted  to replace our current ordinance prohibiting the use of vehicles for sleeping or camping in City streets or parking lots with a new, streamlined ordinance designed to achieve a more compassionate result. The new code relies on enforcement under the Vehicle Code rather than our general police powers. The Vehicle Code requires that we install signs at all entrances to the city to give notice of the prohibition. Additionally, City police officers will provide at least one written warning before issuing any citation. (Click here to go to our staff report for this action) (more…)

Meet & Greet Sept. 23rd for Councilman John Ashbaugh

Come out and show your support for John Ashbaugh’s re-election campaign to SLO City Council!

September 23rd, supporters and community leaders will gather at the hillside home of Barrie and Melanie Cleveland. (more…)

SLO Councilman Ashbaugh to Appear at SLO Democratic Club Monday, Sept. 17

John Ashbaugh will be one of several invited candidates for the SLO City Council and Mayor’s race to the San Luis Obispo Democratic Club on MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17, Democratic HQ, corner of Broad Street and Pismo in downtown SLO. Come to the HQ at 6:45 pm and meet John and his fellow candidates, talk about the issues, and learn where he stands on issues important to all voters (especially, but not exclusively, Democrats!)